Just until I find a benefactor – figuring our how to fund my new travel lifestyle.

On this adventure to travel the world, I thought I had work and income all figured.

Yeah right.

The plan at first seemed so easy. I’d find remote marketing work in San Francisco and maybe even pick up some more writing if I decided that it wouldn’t mess with that passion too much. Finally diving in to research and reach out in an effort to make it happen, other potential options jumping out of my research were instantly distracting. Even when not in line with what I was looking for, if I found a great company or well-paying roll that looked like it fit my experience, usually found on Flex Jobs, I’d tell myself I should consider it. Maybe even teach English abroad since I was getting such good feedback about it and most of the people I’ve met who have the same or similar goals have done and loved it.

Trial and error has lead me to understand that marketing and picking up any kind of full time work (like I was looking for in marketing) is a terrible idea in regard to making the big picture happen successfully. Now I’m driving for Lyft and UBER through California for a few months at a time and then traveling for as long as that money will take me until I come back to do it again. This will allow me to work on my writing and volunteer, often for room and board, in the communities I will be a part of. Possibly pick up extra writing, marketing and admin work through sites like Fiverr. What ever won’t require enough of a commitment to get in the way of what’s important first. I need to remember that.

This the idea for now but it very well could change at any given moment. Trial and error seems to be proving that over and over. A hard lesson that’s being learned about what happens and is required in regard to the flexibility required for this kind of lifestyle. Experiences bring so much to the table as well as teaching, or maybe reminding me that I don’t have the experience yet to have more than a general hint of what I’m doing or will be right for me.

I’m interested to see what you hear what you do. Any advice you may have on ideas and through experiences? I’m happy to say that it seems like I’m at a place where it will work out to an acceptable level either way, but as far as knowing when and how that will happen, it sure is fluidly unknown. Starting to see that it just might that way.

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to said my ship.”- Louisa May Alcott

My yapping about this financial journey

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