Outside sunrise meditation with the birds chirping the day awake is both soothing and one of the most cheerfully annoying ways to wake up. All things considered, it’s my favorite time of day.
Those who know me have a hard time believing that such a social person prefers mornings to night, but there’s a magic in it that nurtures peace and inspiration. As a typical tortured soul and crazy pain-in-the-ass writer, these things are much needed.
Perspective is something that makes each one of us live in our own world. We may need reminders, but most of us are aware that individuals tend to see the same thing differently. What we may be less aware of is how different we also see it as individuals from one moment to the next.
For some, sleeping in starts the day with a feeling of rest and irie vibes. For me, it’s those early mornings that inspire promise, peace and productivity. Getting up after 8 AM makes me feel like I’ve already lost the day and am starting with the chaos of trying to catch up before I’ve even begun.
We each have our own patterns to stay (semi) sane. The formula of what works is different for each and is constantly changing. To be self-forgiving enough to accept and work with these quirks can be difficult but also necessary.
The chaos of constant change doesn’t stop in the land of internal crazy. Relationships, events and other things outside of ourselves add to the land of constant internal change. Often the most right when we feel we’ve gotten a grasp on what’s already in our heads.
Take my upcoming move to Thailand.
When first planning this and other adventures of the next few months, it was more for education, adventure and fun. Now, having lost those closest to me (thank God I still have my family), it’s about finding my new self and healing. And still to be wild, free and to have fun of course, but that’s much further down the line.
Sometimes I’m amazed by the thought that these places and events were already such a good fit before needing them, and other times I think I’m just choosing to see them from a perspective that works for where I’m at.
Challenge yourself to take a moment to analyze the perspective of what’s going on in your own internal life. Share it with us in the comments. Let us in on your very own version of “your name” in Wonderland.
Photo by @juliacaesar and downloaded at https://unsplash.com/