To the So Many of You That I’m So Thankful For

After a meeting where we were told that the matchmaking company we worked at in San Francisco was going under, Brandi looked at me and, without thinking blurted out “I’m going to Africa!”
My impulsive response was “I’m going to finish writing my book!”

We both did.

Brandi isn’t in the picture anymore. Nor is most anyone who I was close to in my not-so-long-ago previous life, a sad symptom of a nomadic and changing lifestyle, but for a while we were each other’s inspiration and fierce support system. Or as we called it, “fate pirates”.

From time to time I take a peek back in to see how she’s doing. Still proud of and happy for her, maybe our different worlds will collide again one day. Maybe not. Regardless, I will always cherish her as the friend who I believe to have had the most in common with in regard to passion, beliefs, desired lifestyle and way of thinking. We are both forces of nature and I miss how she influenced me.

The two angels, closest and most supportive people I’ve ever had in my life are two sisters who go by the names of Kati and Nikki. I also rarely talk to at the moment but still feel are right here with me have been my compass for over twenty years. Even through the times of worry and just plain not understanding, those two ladies exude love and support in a way that many never get to experience.

My parents and sister may have been distant most of my adult life, and have had a hard time being supportive at times, but have also been fiercely supportive when they are. They are still three of the best and most loving people most ever meet. We don’t have much in common but they love me and are a part of why I have been able to realize this dream of writing and volunteering my way around the world. Even if my mom has pretty much told me she’d rather just not know about the easily over 50% of my life and details about me that are so different than her own. *chuckle*

Besides these, the most foundational people of my life, there are many people who pop into my mind as those who I have been close to and who have been supportive in helping me get to the point of this lifestyle that remain a dream. From friends who let me stay with them to those who sat by my side in the hospital to those who hooked me up with a lead on a job. Even the countless amazing people I meet driving for rideshare have provided a level of support, inspiration and company I can’t imagine getting here without.

I’ve mentioned those who were unsupportive a couple times but not enough about the people who have been. To those who have supported me, stood by my side and inspired, my hat is off to you.

As a spinoff and in the vein of gratitude and staying positively influenced, this post makes me think of Jim Rohn’s quote about our being the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Where I’m at in my story is quite lonely and I would love to find people who could stick in for the long haul but have to be wary of the right impact potential friends and lovers present. That being said, I am excited to believe that I just may have finally developed myself, my foundation and reached my goals to be ready to find those people.

I ask you to reflect on those who have been amazing to you and the top five qualities important to those you surround yourself with. List both in comments.

My five:
1.Passionate about traveling the world for a few years and open to where it leads, whether to one spot or a lifetime of wanderlust and adventure. Flexibility and open-mindedness is a must.
2. Into doing good/volunteering. Especially in the areas of philanthropy and animals.
3. Cultured, educated and a compatible sense of humor as language of love.
4. Lifestyle that is about non-judgmental humility, diversity and a balance of wellness that includes fitness, nutrition, spirituality, creativity, community and good times. (Yes, I know this one is pushing it in regard to listing it as just one.)
5. MUST LOVE DOGS! (And unicorns, of course.)

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